The combat philosophy of Wong Shun Leung
A must have for every Ving Tsun practitioner, especially the Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun.
This book, written by David Peterson, a direct student of Wong Shun Leung, is a valuable addition to your book shelf. Many stories about Wong Shun Leung, the man and his system, or as David himself describes; "No" How to ... "book, but a book about Wong Shun Leung's background and his method."
Inside this book you can also find an interview with David Peterson that was done by Dave van der Poel in 2006.
You can buy this book for $34,95 (+ shipping) at:
An overview in the form of essays aka "The Brick"
Wsl Ving Tsun Kuen Hok is the legacy of the late Sifu Wong Shun Leung, one of the most famous and formidable students of Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Gung Fu patriarch, Grandmaster Ip Man. In this volume, Sifu David Peterson, author and student of the late Wong Shun Leung, presents a detailed overview of the entire Wsl Ving Tsun Kuen Hok method in the form of individual essays that explore the forms, concepts, techniques and drills that comprise the legacy of his teacher, as well as an exclusive look at the life of Sifu Wong and his teacher, Grandmaster Ip Man. The book also discusses the very important connection between Sifu Wong and the late Bruce Lee, to whom he was a mentor, teacher and friend. Fully illustrated, in both colour and blackandwhite, with neverbeforepublished photos, along with an extensive appendix containing extra references for the reader, Wsl Ving Tsun Kuen Hok: An Overview in the Form of Essays is a book that all practitioners of Ving Tsun should have in their reference collection.
Eric Lilleor has collected 25 interviews and anecdotes from direct students of Wong Shun Leung over a period of almost 10 years. An interview Dave had with Philipp Bayer in 2012 is included in full for the first time. A 360 page must have for every WSLVT practitioner!
This book is available for €52,80 through:
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