We start each training with a short physical condition training for about 15-20 min. The goal is to be 'Fit 2 fight'. You may be very good with your figting skills, but if you do not have the stamina to stay upright, or do not have the power to put some 'force' in your attack, then the result of your fight will probably not look rosy either. Of course you are responsible for keeping track of your condition yourself, but at each start of a training you will get some handles for that. Condition = strength + endurance.
Every physical conditioning workout consists of 3 parts; cardio, strength and some stretching exercises.
On Monday we start with a series of 'jumping' exercises to give substance to the cardio part. This filled in with variation to also create some fluctuations in heart rate. The strength exercises are focused on how we can best condition the body for Ving Tsun. All exercises are short and explosive and are repeated many times. We work from top to bottom and only with our own body weight. You can think of push-ups, various types of Crunches, Pulse ups, Burpees, Squads, Lunges, Planking, etc. Everything is aimed at activating the body for good combat training!
Every Wednesday we start in the Vondelpark with half an hour of 'Crossfit' training. Also based on HIIT and often in the form of a Tabata. A series of 8 varied exercises that are then repeated 8 times accompanied with challenging music. Sometimes we also train to the edge with some attributes. Think of doing challenging conditional assignments with the battle rope (a long heavy rope), speed ladder, 5KG ball, suspension trainer, skipping rope or just your own body weight.
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Tel: +31 (0)6 2043 6015
Mail: info@wslvt.nl