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On December 16, 17 and 18, Philipp was again our special guest at Zeewolde and Harderwijk for a great seminar. Topics addressed focused on continuity and sparring, also footwork and kicks were par of the training topics.. In addition to the drills, there has been extensive attention for the 3rd form; 'Bil Jee'. It teaches how to recover with as little damage as possible, for example with fighting multiple opponents. Starting point of the ideas of this form is an adverse situation where you need to escape because the situation is not sustainable or you are in an adverse situation yourself. Like every seminar with Philipp, his demos and explanations were inspiring. We were honoured to receive guests from various countries, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Bulgaria and the United States. Unfortunately, it was also the last year we organized the seminar in Harderwijk, as the school ceases to exist in 2017. Nevertheless, we are continuing enthusiastically in Amsterdam West and Zeewolde
This year, Philipp Bayer could only come to the Netherlands once and that pleasure was all ours to organise. This time 3 days in Zeewolde, because the organization of a seminar in the temporary space in Harderwijk did not seem very suitable. From various countries (Netherlands, Germany, England, Austria and Belgium) students and teachers attended the seminar. Friday it was the turn of trainers and assistants, where mainly advanced drills and weapons were trained. Saturday and Sunday it was free for everyone to participate. There were a lot of attendants! The emphasis was primarily on continuity and fluidity. Aspects that are important in Ving Tsun, because you do not want to end up in a "stop" or "brake" situation. Once the first move has been made, you have to continue! There also was a lot of attention to the basics. Siu Nim Tao (1st form) and Chum Kiu (2nd form). Our tools to create and condition the right mindset.
Wow! Within a few days, Philipp's clip with Selene was watched over 23,000 (!) Times and shared more than 200 times. Well done! A clear signal that what we are doing worldwide is appreciated!
A good initiative must be supported!
Especially in view of young veterans, we offer an interesting discount for military veterans who are still in real service, or have already left the service.
For those who have contributed to our safety at risk, we as an association also contribute. So military veterans are more than welcome
Also see:
If you are in active service and you are not yet a veteran, you are also very welcome!
"The onbekende helden (Unknown Heroes) Foundation is an organization founded from a business perspective as a practical expression of appreciation for our veterans who have been committed to global peace, security and national freedom. A veteran is a (former) military who has served under war conditions and / or in one or more peacekeeping operations abroad. A military soldier which may have served in any armed forces, either in a detachment or individual tour. These veterans deserve appreciation by discounts on their veterans badge or in support of finding a new job. "
*Only applicable in Amsterdam (West)
As of April this year we went on a new logo worn on the clothes.
The old round logo, which has been introduced inside the VTKFAE since the 80's, has disappeared like a chest logo on the white shirts. The new logo will shine on a black shirt for students and for the teachers on a blue shirt
The new logo is designed by Philipp Bayer and has been on the shelf for a long time. Even Wong Shun Leung has been involved in the original idea. The most striking change is that the Chinese characters 'Kung Fu' are no longer shown. In order to make a little more distinction between the Ving Tsun and the other Kung Fu styles as they differ a lot from our system. Summarizing it says: Ving Tsun Association Europe, with the stamp of Philipp Bayer.
Of course, this also involves a new clothing line. (Not required)
Standard cotton shirts (short and long sleeve), cooltex shirts and sweathers / hoodies. These can be ordered through your own trainer.