



Each training begins with approximately 20 minutes of fitness training. In this fitness training, emphasis is placed on exercises in short and explosive strength training. This is important because even if a fighter has the best techniques, his condition plays an important role. Conditioning is therefore adapted to the way of fighting. Certainly during a combat situation, a good condition, of course, is very important. Because of the stress of a real fight the body will consume about 5 times as much energy through adrenaline production and stress levels.

Skill-orientated education...

"In a real fight you must do it alone!"

Each lesson basically begins with the training of the forms. Everyone will do this independently at his own pace. The teaching method is competence-oriented. A modern term to indicate that the reproduction is not central but that it is working on the level of comprehension. Self-esteem and individual development. This is therefore very important as in a real fight you also must do it alone. This teaching method is very powerful because everyone has to think about things independently, which also improves self-esteem. In addition, everyone gets personal attention that make technical progress faster.

At this stage of the training, beginners will learn the first form; Siu Lim Tao. This includes topics such as stance, punching and the basic principles of the Ving Tsun.

After practicing the forms, partner training starts. Chi Sau, an exercise in which in the reflexes play an important role, is an important excercise. However, attention will also be paid to bag training, balance, coordination, timing,, dummy training and later sparring.

For beginners the emphasis will be on learning the footwork, like stepping and turning, turning the position. All this in a quiet pace in a logical order. Often one wants to learn as much as possible in an as short time as possible. However, this would greatly degrade the quality. It's not about how much you know about the Ving Tsun, but whether you can use the learned moves in an actual fight.

'The biggest threat? ... Insufficient training!'

In total, a training takes two hours. Two hours in which everyone who works hard can achieve a lot. However, one training per week is actually too little. My advice is therefore to train at least twice a week.

Ving Tsun is a Chinese Kung Fu style. Kung Fu freely translated means; 'Skills obtained by hard work'. The biggest threat of a Ving Tsun practitioner is, according to Wong Shun Leung; 'Insufficient training'.

In the teaching methods used, issues such as independence, activity and commitment are an important "common thread". Someone who works hard will be rewarded for this and will notice that he is progressing quickly. However, someone who is "only" recreationally present will have little depth. The commitment of the person will determine whether the training is satisfactory and experienced as successful.



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